Thursday 12 February 2015


    I made much more progression this week compared to the previous, I managed to push the sihouttes to make much more interesting designs. Bases had more weight added to them to give the illusion it can hold the gun up.
       I ended up producing 30 base designs and chose my favourite 14 from these to play around with.

      When producing the silhouettes I was thinking about the mechanic within the gun, where they would be placed in the body and how it would react together while the gun would move to follow the player.

     So from the 70 silhouettes above, I cut down even more, choosing the strongest designs from the bunch. 

       My final 14 sihoulettes from the 70 above. Most of the forms, are taken from japanese mythical beasts, such as the Qilin and Dragons. Although, I significatly cut down the designs, there is still a lot of designs above, so another round of removing designs is in order.

         I dropped from 14 to 8, and then from 8 to 4. The four I chose to move forward with (black), were what I felt to be, the strongest designs. I quickly sepreated the elements of the guns to give myself a better idea of the sections of the gun.
 By this point I was sick of designs and needed a break away from it. I decided to produce 3D models of these four to help me visual the way the turret will look in different views and if anything looked odd. This would involve the base not being wide enough to support the gun. I also felt that seeing a model in 3D would allow me to see how strong the design would be from different views.

        Out of these models, I went with the second one down, coloured in lilac. I felt the base could support the weight of the cannon, much like the first one. The bottom two didn't look like they could support the weight of the gun, nor could I think of a way to make them look like they could. 
        With this week over and now a solid design to build upon I can get on the way with creating a final model.

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